Portable laser power meter for up to 250 W with flexible calibration options so the customers only pay for what they use. Includes 3 measurement modes : SSP, CWP and SSE.
Touchscreen display device for power & energy measurement. Single-channel.
Pyroelectric energy detector with 195 mm aperture for measuring extra-large beams up to 250 J.
Laser power detector for measurement up to 50 000 W that traps > 97 % of the incident light and handles high intensities of small beams.
Integrating sphere detector for laser power measurement up to 1000 W at high speed.
Use Gentec-EO's online laser calculators to quickly calculate or convert common laser beam parameters.
Easily convert your laser wavelength to frequency and laser frequency to wavelength with this free online calculator.
Convert laser average power and energy per pulse to average power density/irradiance and average power with this online calculator. Works for both Gaussian and flat beam profiles.
Calculate laser peak power and peak power density for your pulsed laser from your energy per pulse or average power.
Input basic beam parameters about your laser and let our tool calculates its energy density in a second.
Calculate a laser beam transmission through an aperture with this free online calculator.
Calculate your laser beam divergence (half-angle) and diameter easily with this online calculator.
This calculator gives you the laser spot size and laser beam waist values based on the beam diameter at lens, wavelength, and other parameters you input.